Peter Lane Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Peter Lane Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Guiding and Facilitating Change for Individuals and Organizations


Peter Lane
Coaching and Consulting

Guiding and Facilitating Change for Individuals and Organizations


What can a health and wellness coach do for you?


Have you wanted to make changes that would enable you to enjoy your life more, but had trouble motivating or knowing where to start?

Health and wellness coaching can help you make lasting change in these areas:

  • Exercise and Diet

  • Chronic Medical Conditions

  • Burnout and Stress

  • Work-LIfe Balance

  • Aging with Vitality

  • Personal Growth


Identify what’s most important to you

With Peter’s support, reflect on your values and strengths. Create a wellness vision that will inspire and guide you to set and achieve your goals.

Build resilience and lasting change

Take realistic steps tailored to your unique situation. Peter’s thoughtful questions and guidance will help you develop new insights about yourself along the way.

Get support to help you through the inevitable “bumps in the road”

Wellness is a process not a destination. Your journey will be more enjoyable with Peter as your thinking partner, resource guide, accountability partner, and cheerleader.


About Peter


My story…

I believe in the power and potential of every individual to chart a path that allows their unique strengths to flourish and for them to achieve their goals. It is the simple yet challenging task of being our best selves—mind, body, and spirit—that allows us to thrive, nurture healthy families and communities, create life-affirming organizations, and ultimately change the world. As a national board-certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC) trained at the Mayo Clinic, I am passionate about supporting individuals and teams that are committed to ongoing learning, reflection, and making positive change for themselves.

Before becoming a health and wellness coach, I was an organizational consultant who designed and facilitated organizational planning processes, facilitated retreats, and provided leadership coaching to teams and individuals. I saw many leaders experiencing the negative physical and emotional effects of burnout and other job-related stressors.  In response, I made a commitment to re-focus my life’s work on wellness as an important strategy for how I can contribute to the success of organizations. In addition to health and wellness coaching, I still design and facilitate planning processes, workshops, retreats, and other meetings that increase organizational effectiveness—now with an approach grounded in values that link individual and organizational health and wellness.

Through fits and starts and the inevitable ups and downs of life, I have committed to the practice of personal wellness through my enjoyment of fitness, cooking healthy foods enjoyed with others, and a love for the outdoors. I have practiced yoga for 20 years and look forward to spending time in a small community garden plot with my partner and other gardeners. My guilty pleasures include napping (passed down to me from my father) and binge watching cooking shows (especially if they include an element of travel).

If you are ready to start on a new path to wellness and are curious about how coaching works, please get in touch with me for a free 30-minute consultation to see if a health and wellness coach is right for you.

Is your organization facing a transition or difficult challenge? Do you need someone to guide your planning process, staff or board retreat, or facilitate a difficult meeting? Please contact me for more information about how I can help.

Pronouns: He / Him / His

It is the simple yet challenging task of being our best selves that allows us to thrive, nurture healthy families and communities, create life-affirming organizations, and ultimately change the world.

Other Affiliations

I also serve on the board of directors of the REVE Kandale Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports school construction and reforestation projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo where I was a Peace Corps volunteer. 

Additionally, my other affiliations include:

  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Mayo Clinic

  • Associate Consultant, Maryland Nonprofits and Institute for Conservation Leadership

  • Member, Mid-Atlantic Facilitators Network

  • B.A., Clark University

  • M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst
