Wellness in the Workplace

Supporting Your Most
Important Resource: People 

Staff and volunteers at nonprofit organizations are passionate and committed to a wide variety of causes. They are so passionate that they often forget to take care of themselves. The demands of day-to-day job responsibilities in the face of funding shortfalls, not enough staff, tight deadlines, and addressing urgent needs leave little time for the care of oneself. We have inadvertently created stressful and unhealthy workplaces that don’t align with the values we espouse. 


The more we focus on the wellness of the nonprofit sector’s greatest resource—its people—the more likely we are to build healthy organizations successfully addressing society’s greatest challenges. According to the World Health Organization, wellness is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease.” In a broader sense, wellness is bringing intention to the choices we make about our lives and achieving our full potential as individuals. 

How can you support wellness in the workplace? First, you can do it by taking simple, practical steps that support your own wellness. Leaders can be role models for others. Demonstrating the importance of taking care of yourself will give others “permission” to do the same. Second, organizations can examine what they are doing to promote wellness and institute practices that help staff and volunteers make good wellness choices. Here are some easy steps to get started.

Tips for individuals

  • Set a timer or use an app to remind you to take a break every 90 minutes. Your break can be as simple as sitting quietly with your eyes closed for five minutes, taking a brief walk around the office or outside, or doing office stretches. Regular breaks will keep you energized and increase your focus.

  • Increase your physical activity through Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), or the calories you burn whenever you move, even standing up from your chair. Some NEAT ideas include taking calls while standing or pacing, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking in the farthest parking spot in the lot or a block away. Move the trash can, recycling bin, and printer away from your desk so you have to get up and walk to them. See the book Move a Little, Lose a Lot by Dr. James A. Levine and Selene Yeager for more ideas.

  • Make healthier snack options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, more readily available…and always in addition to the birthday cakes and holiday sweets that are an important part of workplace celebrations and building community. 

Tips for organizations

  • Revisit your strategic plan to see how wellness is reflected in your organization’s values statement or in its internal goals. If it’s not there, begin a conversation with your staff and board. Focusing on wellness also helps your bottom line by potentially decreasing the number of sick days, staff turnover, and sometimes the cost of health insurance. 

  • Provide staff the option of using a treadmill desk or sit-stand desk. There are lots of options such as Ergotron or Varidesk

  • Consider establishing organizational guidelines for emailing and texting after regular business hours. 

  • Ensure that filtered water and healthy snacks are available to staff and volunteers. 

    Hold “walking meetings” outdoors when appropriate (for 2-3 people when you are discussing ideas or sharing information). Here are five suggestions from www.stepjockey.com for how to make your walking meeting successful. 

  • Create a comfortable, quiet space at your office that is reserved for meditation, reflection or reading, yoga, or journaling. No meetings allowed! 

Wellness in the workplace is about starting with small, realistic steps and making more intentional choices. Find a partner, or a small group of co-workers, who will support you and join you in creating a healthier, happier workplace. 
