Individual Wellness Coaching

I’m trying to keep my life better balanced and get back to a healthier weight now that my 91-year-old mom is living with me. (All this talk about underlying issues putting one at greater risk for dying from the corona virus felt like something I should take on.) I work with Peter to help crystalize my goals and next steps—what I want to do and how I want to go about it. I call Peter my accountability buddy—knowing that I said I’d do certain things (e.g., research a topic, unclutter the basement gym...) and will have to report back to him about progress made, makes it more likely for me to carve out the time I need to stick to my plan. I teleconferenced with him once a week for the first two weeks and am now doing it every other week. I have really made progress and feel good.

Peter is thoughtful, well organized, and has a wonderful sense of humor. He is just the supportive buddy to have on my side!
— Caregiver and Photographer (Maryland)
I have long struggled with work-life balance and anxiety issues. I knew I needed help in sorting through the complexity of these challenges. Peter has been an outstanding coach, helping me to identify practical strategies and achievable goals to improve my overall health and well-being. With Peter’s expert assistance, I have been able to see more clearly, to understand more deeply the importance of sharing time with family and friends and of taking care of myself. My work with Peter continues to be a critical element of my overall approach to life.
— University Administrator (Washington, DC)

I was stuck, feeling I needed assistance making better choices for my health and wellbeing - without my well-intentioned family, and friends, holding my feet to the fire? Peter was my confidant, and coach, over the last few months to assist me in reaching several goals. Through discussion, questions asked and answered, a lot of personal assessment, all guided by Peter, I was able to distill what I needed to accomplish - to improve my health, and mental state, and create a mission statement to guide me. Many thanks to Peter, I am well on my way to reaching a weight goal, have become more discerning of my work life encroaching on my personal life, and have found joy making time for hobbies I enjoy, checking projects off my to do list, being present went sharing time with my family, and carving out my much-needed time in solitude.
— Real Estate Agent (North Carolina)

Peter is an attentive listener and really heard what was important to me. He helped me clarify my wellness goals and identify realistic steps I could take to reach them. Peter kept me focused on my plan by circling back to my goals, affirming my progress and exploring what might be getting in the way or holding me back. I looked forward to our calls and was able to make positive changes and create new habits that I’d been struggling to implement on my own.  Working with a wellness coach was a great help to me and Peter’s steady and supportive style made it a positive and successful experience.
— Transitioning retiree to new roles as Nonprofit Board Chair, Artist and Naturalist (Georgia)

My work with Peter was a great extension of group leadership coaching I had already received. Peter helped me identify priorities and at a greater level, to learn how to recognize success across personal and professional spectrums. I’ve always been driven to complete work and move forward from that point immediately, and the time I’ve spent with Peter has helped me better understand the importance of process and the validity of occasionally “being stuck.” My ability to remain centered while still highly driven has been a result of Peter’s coaching.
— Nonprofit Executive (Maryland)

During a time when I was facing multiple health challenges, Peter helped me to focus on a vision for my health, and sort through the overwhelm. Each session, Peter helped me navigate practical, incremental goals, and kept me grounded in my vision when I was losing confidence. Peter’s a great listener, who will guide you to find and work with your strengths.
— Community Activist and Educator (Missouri)

Organizational Consulting

“When we needed help facilitating a staff retreat, we called Peter Lane because we knew it would be difficult to handle on our own. What a great decision it was! Peter was not only highly-organized, knowledgeable, experienced, and a pleasure to work with, but he brought creative ideas that energized our group to work through complicated issues. With Peter’s help, we succeeded in developing clarity around the steps we needed to take to make ourselves more effective in reaching our advocacy goals.”
— Diana Oldham, Senior Strategist and Legislative Director for Foreign Policy, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Our staff were delighted by the wellness session Peter conducted via Zoom! Peter worked with us to design a custom session that addressed unique challenges our staff are facing in working remotely in this rapidly changing environment. Peter’s workshop was a very nice way for us to gather together as friends and colleagues to learn practical approaches to self-care and wellness.
— Martha Ferrara, Controller and CFO for Nonprofits Clients, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Peter spoke at our annual Caregiver Conference...he gave attendees practical tips that they could implement to reduce stress and feel better. They gave him rave reviews! I highly recommend Peter for any event promoting wellness and self-care.
— Carolyn Austin, Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging of Lincolnland, Inc.
The Junior League of Baltimore, Inc. has worked with Peter for the two years as a facilitator for our annual board retreat. Peter is a professional and truly ‘gets’ our complicated non-profit organization in a way that allows our group to benefit immensely from our time with him.
— Ashley Chalmers, former President, Junior League of Baltimore