Is a Health and Wellness Coach Right for You?

I’m often asked, “What does a health and wellness coach do?” Or sometimes I’m just met by a blank stare. Other times people are curious and I usually respond by asking what “wellness” means to them. This leads to an interesting conversation about wellness being more than just the absence of disease, but a fulfilling lifestyle that contributes to a person’s overall physical, mental, and emotional health. Behind their original question is a curiosity about whether a health and wellness coach can help them. With that in mind, here are five things to think about if you’re curious about health and wellness coaching:

1.    Something feels out of balance. Your physical, mental, and emotional state is an inter-connected web. Whatever your goal—lose weight, lower stress and anxiety, manage a chronic medical condition, or something else—health and wellness coaching will help you remove blocks that get in the way of attaining your goal. The coaching process will bring you into greater balance and feeling more energized and confident to make lasting behavior change.

2.    More intention in my life. Our brains are complex organs. It often seems that even though our minds say one thing, we act differently. With a health and wellness coach, learn strategies for acting with intention and building resilience to help you sustain healthy behavior change. You will explore what’s most important to you, strengthen your commitment, and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Powerful words come with powerful intent. Where you have passion, strength, courage, and determination you can accomplish anything.  --K.L. Toth, Author

 3.    Not prescription, a deeper understanding. Our medical system is good at telling us what to do and what pills to take. It is less adept at taking into consideration the whole person when treating an illness or condition. A health and wellness coach will give you a deeper understanding of your motivation for wellness and help you set realistic goals. A coach will challenge you, hold you accountable, and support your learning during the times when you don’t hit the mark on your goals.

4.    Curious, Committed, and Courageous. Do the 3 C’s describe you? If so, you’re ready for the tough but personally rewarding work of knowing yourself better, living purposefully even if not perfectly, and living the change that’s already within you. A health and wellness coach will guide you in tapping into your innate energy and wholeness as an individual.

5.    Confidence knowing you have a qualified, skilled coach. The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) provides a standard of measurement of foundational health and wellness competencies that are based on science and research. Its certification process and exam were created in partnership with the National Board of Medical Examiners. You can be confident in your choice of a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC). For more information and a national listing of certified health and wellness coaches, visit:

Please contact me for more information about health and wellness coaching, educational programs, or to schedule your free introductory session.

Peter Lane